
Grant Application & Review Process

1. Purpose.
This policy establishes the process for the application and processing of grant or scholarship applications to the Robert and Christine Steinmann Family foundation.

2. Grant Application Process.
The foundation uses a two-phase application process. The first phase (Letter of Inquiry) involves a short informational application. After reviewing Phase 1, (Letter of Inquiry), the Foundation may request that an organization submit a complete second phase, (Grant Proposal).

3. Deadlines
The Foundation will review request for grants on a quarterly basis starting in January. The Foundation will generally respond within six months of receipt, provided that all required information is received with the grant request.

Phase 1: Letter of Inquiry.

For organizations that have not been previously funded by the Foundation, we request that those grant seekers introduce themselves to our staff with a short informational application. The Foundation will use this to determine if it has any interest in receiving a full proposal. This will save time for both the Foundation and the grant seeker. This may be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses listed below:

Robert and Christine Family Foundation P.O. Box 1118, Niceville, FL 32588; Email: Kristi Walker, (preferred).

The letter of inquiry should contain the following in no more than two pages:

1. A short introductory paragraph with a concise statement of the request purpose and the amount requested.

2. A brief project description covering the issue(s) being addressed, the outcomes to be achieved; the plans for accomplishing the outcomes and the timetable for doing so: If this is a collaborative effort, include the role of each collaborator. Address how you will evaluate the success and effectiveness of the program or project.

3. A brief description of the history, mission and activities of the applicant, including whether the applicant is exempt under Section 501 (c) 3 of the IRS Code.

4. Organization contact information as shown in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the grant application form below.

Generally, the Foundation will respond to the letter of inquiry within 30 days of receipt.

Phase 2: Grant Proposal.

If the Foundation has an interest in the project based on the Phase 1 application, we will ask for a complete application, and may ask for supplemental information or material. The Foundation may ask that a staff member and/or Board member make a site visit, as well. The applicant should prepare a complete application and mail it to the Foundation. Supplemental materials, such as photographs, videotapes, CDs, DVDs, and the like, will not be returned to the applicant.

The complete application would include the following:

1. The same information submitted on the Phase 1 short information application (See above).

2. A completed Grant Application Form as shown below dated and signed by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the applicant or by its senior executive officer.

3. A description of the applicant’s organization (no more than five pages), including:

a. Applicant’s background.
b. Applicant’s mission and objectives.
c. Applicants target beneficiaries.
d. Type (s) of programs or activities undertaken.
e. Major accomplishments.
f. Number of staff, and staff’s organization.
g. A summary of applicant’s strategic or long-range plan.

4. A copy of the applicant’s current operating budget including anticipated sources of income or receipts and projected outlays and expenditures, and a budget versus actual year-to-date report.

5. A roster of the applicant’s board members with occupations and affiliations; and a roster of the applicant’s senior staff members with occupations and affiliations.

6. The applicant’s financial statements for the most recently ended fiscal year, preferably audited, including as a minimum a statement of activities and a balance sheet.

7. A copy of the determination letter issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regarding applicant’s exemption under Section 501(c) 3 of the code, and a copy of the most recently filed IRS Form 990 with Schedule A.

8. A description of the project (no more than five pages) for which funds are being requested, including:

a. The need for the project or the program and how the need was determined.
b. The expected results of the project or program.
c. The means and standards for measuring the project’s success and effectiveness.
d. Plans and timetables for implementing the program or project.
e. Identity of the staff or volunteers responsible for its implementation.
9. Other materials that the applicant believes may be important for the Foundation to consider interviewing the application.

Grant Application Form



Robert and Christine Family Foundation P.O. Box 1118, Niceville, FL 32588; Email: Kristi Walker, (preferred)
Grant Number (to be assigned by the Robert and Christine Family Foundation)

1. Full LEGAL name of the organization (This is the name as it appears on your Articles of Incorporation)
2. Mailing Address: ________________________________________
City___________________________ State ______________________Zip____________

3. Telephone _________________________Fax_________________

4. Date of Application_________________

5. Name and Phone number of Individual to be contacted regarding this grant Application ____________________________________________________

6. Name of Grant Project __________________________________

7. Amount of Grant funds requested $__________________________

8. Employer Identification Number_____________________________

9. Attach as Exhibit “A” a copy of the organization’s most recent IRS determination letter showing 501(c) (3) tax-exempt status.

10. Attach as Exhibit “B” a copy of the organization’s most recent tax return and/or audited financial statements.

11. Attach as Exhibit “C” copies of the following current documents; Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and List of the current Board of Directors and Officers including addresses and phone numbers.

12. Attach as Exhibit “D” a brief history of the organization to include past programs and projects, type of persons served or affected by activities and future goals of the organization.

13. Attach as Exhibit “E” a description of the project or activity for which grant funds are being requested. This description should include the purpose and the goals to be achieved.

14. Describe any relationships, business or personal, that exist between any Officer or Directors of your organization and any officer or Director of the Robert and Christine Steinmann Family Foundation. Our board of Director are as listed; Bruce Fister, Todd Fister, Kristi Walker, Erica Rose Dansik, and Carolyn Cappel Rose.

15. List the dates and amounts of any previous grants your organization has received from the Robert and Christine Steinmann Family Foundation.

16. List the names, addresses and phone numbers of any other donor organizations from which you expect to receive funds for this projects. List requests that may still be pending.

17. Date of your last request to the Robert and Christine Steinmann Family Foundation _________________

18. If your grant request is approved, will you execute and abide by the terms of our grant agreement Form? Yes____

19. I agree to abide by the terms of the grant agreement form. I (____name_______), (____Title_____________), of the (______organization_________) have reviewed this application and believe it to be true, correct and complete. I further represent that the governing body of the organization authorized the making of this request.

The Foundation will review request for grants on a quarterly basis, starting in January. The Foundation will let the application know that they have received the application. We will generally evaluate and respond within six months from receipt of the application provided that all required information was included in the Grant request.

Bruce L. Fister, April 11, 2016
Robert and Christine Steinmann Family Foundation