

Thanks for exploring a potential partnership with The Robert and Christine Steinmann Family Foundation. We are a public benefits corporations as that term is defined in section 1702.01 (P) Ohio Revised Code. The corporation was formed for the purpose of making charitable grants to IRS 501(c)(3) organizations that operate within the greater Cincinnati area.

The Robert and Christine Steinmann Family Foundation will not accept or consider request in the following categories:

“For profit” organizations

Political organizations or campaigns

Organizations with the primary purpose of influencing legislation

Conduit organizations which pass on funds to other organizations

Individuals or loans of any type

Funds used for overhead or general operating needs

Funds to service debt

Travel or group trips

Video productions

As a rule, the Foundation will usually consider only one application from an organization within a 12-month period. The Foundation will not support organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, ethnicity, disability, national origin, or political affiliation.

Awards: Unsolicited Grants are anticipated to be generally in the range from $2,500 to $25,000.

Deadlines: The Foundation will review request for grants on a quarterly basis starting in January. The Foundation will generally respond within six months of receipt, provided that all required information is received with the grant request.